2019 |
founded a company in the US |
founded a company in China | |
2018 |
launched operation in the Cheonan plant |
founded a company in Poland | |
selected as a star company in Chungcheongbui-do | |
selected as an ATC (Advanced Technology Center) | |
2017 |
completed the construction of Cheonan plant (20,000 ton) |
awarded for achieving the USD 100 bn. export milestone | |
won the President’s Prize | |
certified under INNOBIZ | |
2016 |
mass produced and supplied electrolyte for LG Chemical’s Xev, GEN 2 |
awarded for achieving the USD 50 bn. export milestone | |
2015 |
awarded for achieving the USD 30 bn. export milestone |
completed the construction of Jecheon plant 2 | |
2014 |
established a company’s research center |
2013 |
registered major LIB and EDLC client companies |
2012 |
Completion the construction of Jecheon plant (5,000 ton), venture company certified |
founded Enchem Co., Ltd |